Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

Tube Stomach Surgery

As a weight loss method, one of the most applied surgical interventions today is sleeve gastrectomy surgery. It is commonly known as “Stomach Reduction Surgery” in a large part of our society.

In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the stomach is turned into a long, thin tube like a banana. 80 percent of the stomach is cut and removed laparoscopically (with the closed surgery method). Thus, the food intake of the stomach is restricted. In addition, gastric sleeve surgery has the effect of reducing food absorption.

Gastric sleeve surgery takes an average of 45 minutes and our patients can resume their lives shortly after the surgery.

Since the entrance/exit section of the stomach is protected and the continuity in the digestive system is maintained, the risks after sleeve gastrectomy are low. As a result, side effects are very rare.

Gastric sleeve gastrectomy (stomach reduction) surgery is performed on people between the ages of 18 and 65 who are eligible for pre-operative examinations. In order for the person to be a suitable candidate for gastric surgery, the Body Mass Index (BMI) determined by the World Health Organization must be 35 and above, as well as concomitant diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

For people under the age of 18, the presence of the above-mentioned diseases is important, along with the degree of obesity. And parental consent is required as well as a physician's decision. For people over the age of 65, the patient's health status and the necessity of surgery (the person's weight-related problems and problems) are evaluated.

Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

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