Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

Anal Fissure

Anal Fissure is a tear or crack in the skin in the anal region. Although it is small in appearance, the discomfort it causes is very obvious. Tears in the first month are called "acute anal fissures", and tears that last longer and cause breast (swelling) are called "chronic anal fissures" (CAF). It can be seen at the same rates in men and women and in all age groups. In general, the fissure starts superficially and can quickly deepen and reach the underlying breech muscle. In this case, the disease becomes chronic.


Often with the formation of anal spasm, patients defecate by squeezing their anus. During this defecation, a crack occurs in the rectum. Depending on this situation, unless defecation is performed for fear of pain, the stool becomes hard and the fissure deepens. Although Anal Fissure can be seen at any age, it is often seen in young and middle-aged adults. It is seen with equal frequency in men and women, there is no gender discrimination. in pregnancy; It is more common in cases of constipation and increasing intra-abdominal pressure.


The most important symptom of anal fissure; It is severe rectal pain that occurs especially during defecation and continues for a while afterwards. This pain is often expressed by our patients as “as if I am defecating broken glass”. Constipation occurs with the worry of this pain and a vicious circle in the form of “pain-constipation-spasm” occurs.

Other symptoms are fresh red bleeding and itching after toilet.


The basis of the treatment of anal fissure disease is the relaxation of the excessive contraction (spasm) of the anal muscle that causes this disease. The disease resolves by removing the spasm in this muscle, which is located on the inside of the anal region and called the "Internal Anal Sphincter".


The clearest symptom of anal fissure is pain and burning. This pain intensifies after defecation and can continue for 4-5 hours afterwards, some patients may have a never-ending pain. Bleeding may occur after the fissure ruptures after defecation. These bleedings can be seen as drops or as fine lines smeared on toilet paper. Rarely, if there is a vein at the base of the fissure, it can cause severe bleeding.


Anal Fissure Causes

•        Constipation and hard stools

•        Excessive straining

•         Severe diarrhea

•         Some diseases (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)

•        Pregnancy and childbirth

•        Compression of the breech muscles as a result of reverse intercourse

•         Trauma in the breech region (enema, rectal thermometer, etc.)

•        Genetic factors

Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

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