Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

Gallbladder Surgery

Gallbladder Surgery


Gallstones are usually very painful and require surgery. In the symptoms of gallstones, tenderness and pain occur in the stomach and abdomen first. The main conditions that cause gallstones are; reasons such as unhealthy diet, excessive weight loss, staying in intensive care and genetic conditions. Gallbladder stones are diagnosed by ultrasound. MRCP can be performed in cases of jaundice or obstruction.


Even in gallstones that are asymptomatic and do not cause complaints, surgery is recommended as soon as the diagnosis is made. The effectiveness of drugs on gallstones is limited and they can cause many side effects.


The ideal treatment; is the removal of the gallbladder and stones together with laparoscopic (closed) surgery. Stone removal alone is not a correct treatment method; Because the structure of the sac is deteriorated, the stone is formed again and complications may occur.


Surgery; is done with a few small incisions on the abdomen with special tools, under camera view. In some complicated cases, open surgery may be preferred, but this rate is low.


Recovery and return to normal life is faster after laparoscopic (closed) surgery.

Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

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