Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloon is a method of losing weight without a surgical procedure for obesity disease, which is one of the biggest obstacles to a healthy life. One of the reasons that makes it difficult to lose weight is the portion size of the meals. As a result of the gastric balloon taking up space in the stomach, the portions are reduced to the ideal size. With the shrinking of the stomach, excess weight begins to be lost in a healthy way. Since the volume of the stomach is reduced with the gastric balloon, small portions provide saturation. Since the gastric emptying time is also prolonged, the time to be full increases. In short, it gives a longer feeling of satiety with fewer portions.

Gastric balloon application, which takes about 20 minutes, is performed under anesthesia and by endoscopy method.

These balloons placed in the stomach stay in the stomach for 6 to 12 months, depending on their type. After the procedure, the weight loss process is supported and made permanent by creating healthy nutrition programs by diet and nutrition experts. After the desired attenuation is achieved, the balloon should be removed endoscopically.

Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

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