Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

Ingrown Hair

Pilonidal Sinus (PNS) ya da halk arasındaki tabiri ile kıl dönmesi en sık görülen makat bölgesi hastalıklarından biridir. Kuyruk sokumu bölgesine düşen saç, elbise tozu ve cilt kalıntılarının cilt altına giriş yapması ile oluşan bir hastalıktır. Kıl batması ile karıştırılmasına karşın kesinlikle birbirinden farklıdır. Çünkü kıl dönmesi yüz ve koltukaltı gibi yerlerde görülmez, %95 kuyruk sokumu bölgesi %5 ise göbek çukuru bölgesinde görülmektedir. Yüz, bacaklar ve koltuk altı bölgesinde görülen ise kıl dönmesi değil kıl batması problemidir. Özellikle 15-40 yaş arası genç erkeklerde sıkça görülmektedir, çözümü kesinlikle cerrahi müdahale ile mümkün olmaktadır.

What Causes Ingrown Hair?

Hair loss occurs when the shed hair enters under the skin through small holes opened by friction due to improper sitting and accumulates between two buttocks in the coccyx. In addition to the hairs that break off or grow in that area, threads or hair strands from the clothes worn can also enter under the skin and cause ingrown hairs. In the future, bacteria and foreign bodies accompany the hairs that enter under the skin. However, an infection occurs under the skin and an abscess occurs. This abscess causes a yellow and bloody discharge. This is accompanied by a foul odor. According to another theory; Most people from birth have a cyst with a hair follicle under the skin in that area. One day, this cyst bursts, causing discharge and inflammation.

Factors that increase the risk of ingrown hairs

Sitting for a long time (drivers, desk workers, etc.), overweight (Obesity), not paying attention to personal hygiene, genetic factors increase the risk of ingrown hairs.

What Are the Symptoms of Ingrown Hair?

Discharge (can be bloody or dark in color), pain while sitting or walking during the day, more sensitive and reddening of the coccyx area, observing hair in the holes in the coccyx, swelling in the coccyx area, weakness in the person due to infection, nausea and fever, bad smell are among the symptoms of itching.

Treatment of Ingrown Hair

The only solution for someone who is faced with the problem of ingrown hair is to be treated. Whatever the stage, it should be treated before it's too late. While advanced technology works in many diseases, it does not mean much in ingrown hairs. The most important thing here is the experience of the doctor. In the treatment, it is aimed to clean this cyst cavity filled with hair and to fill the tissue space in the cleaned area. Today, minimally invasive treatments are preferred more in early-stage cases due to the post-operative problems of hair rotation surgeries. In the surgical intervention, not only the hairs accumulated under the skin are removed, but also the capsule (membrane) surrounding them is removed. Otherwise, new hairs will continue to enter that membrane. Likewise, the entrance and exit holes must be detected and destroyed very well.

Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş Kurt

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